
Recent Reviews

Review: Heyoya - Voice Comments for Websites and Blogs

Commenting system for blogs and Websites is one of the 'major thing' that I once thought that it really needs an innovation. A few years ago, I either used to code a comment system by myself or used to attach third-party commenting systems such as Facebook comment plugin, Disqus or These all platforms worked really well but they didn't innovate their platform with the changing pace of technology and the demand of people. Heyoya | There was something missing that commenting platforms needed to add, luckily, today on Product Hunt Nir Shilo hunted and launched his own created comment platform, " HEYOYA ". Heyoya has got some amazing features that will blow your mind. Introduction to Heyoya As written on their official blog, " Heyoya is a voice comments platform that brings the depth and nuance of the spoken word to online commenting systems. By allowing site visitors to record their spoken thoughts as comments, Heyoya turns your

Review: FYI

You might have faced a very embarrassing situation when either your employer or a family member have asked for an important file and you couldn't recall where you have uploaded the file. Today, we use many file uploading services to upload and share our files. But to manage and recall which file hosted at which service, we couldn't do anything but remembering the service name by heart or noting it down somewhere.  FYI Logo | Credit: Product Hunt You may agree with me but it is a real problem that we all may have faced once in our life. Until now, I don't think that there exist any service to tackle this problem. But recently, I found a solution while browsing Product Hunt. To lower your pain, and to make your documents avail in an organized way. Enters a solution called as, " FYI ". Yeah, "FYI" - a service that let you to search and manage all your documents in one place. Introduction to FYI FYI is an amazin